Call for Poster Presentations
Announcing the Call for Poster Presentations for the 2024 Faith + Mental Health Summit!
The Poster Topics for the summit are open to any presentation that is relevant to the intersection of faith and mental health. The Poster sessions provide an opportunity to present research data or innovative practices in an informal format. Under the research category, presenters are encouraged to share any current research, including applied research, experimental research, program evaluations, and literature reviews.
Interested presenters must submit an 8-10 word title, a 25-50 word abstract, a one to two-page summary, and 2-5 keywords describing their poster. Additionally, presenters must include the category of the poster, primary presenter's name, address, phone number, e-mail, and the name of any additional presenters.
The Call for Posters opens on October 1st, 2023, and closes on August 18th, 2024. Acceptance notifications will be sent by August 31st, 2024. The deadline for submission of final work and supplemental materials is September 15th, 2024. Submissions will be evaluated based on the quality of the submission and its alignment to our event.
Please note that all submissions are subject to review and final acceptance is not guaranteed.
Review And Selection Process
Our team will review all submissions according to the deadlines provided. Any submissions received after the deadlines will not be considered.
Acknowledgment: Upon receipt of your submission, you will receive an e-mail acknowledgment.
Notifications: We will notify all submitters about the status of their submissions by August 18th, 2024
Follow-up: In September, a member of our team will contact speakers to discuss each workshop so that participants and staff can discuss details via at least one zoom call (optional).